A branch of mathematics.
Probability Distributions
Probability Tests
Non-parametric Modeling
Natural Language Processing
Reading Notes
Measurement Error Models, Wayne A. Fuller, 1987
Evidence on the Validity of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Labor Market Data, John Bound, Charles Brown, Greg J. Duncan, and Willard L. Rodgers, 1994
Ascertaining the validity of individual protocols from Web-based personality inventories, John A. Johnson, 2004
Identifying Careless Responses in Survey Data, Andrew Meade, S. Bartholomew Craig, 2012
Estimating Measurement Error in Annual Job Earnings, John M. Abowd and Martha H. Stinson, 2013
Regression and Other Stories, Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, and Aki Vehtari, 2020
The Independent Contractor Workforce: New Evidence on Its Size and Composition and Ways to Improve Its Measurement in Household Surveys; Katharine G. Abraham, Brad J. Hershbein, Susan N. Houseman, and Beth C. Truesdale; 2023
The effect of online interviews on the University of Michigan Survey of Consumer Sentiment, Ryan Cummings and Ernie Tedeschi, 2024