Survey Samples


Original sources for contact data are often called frames. Common frames used for survey sampling are:


There are principally two ways to generate a survey sample: probability and non-probability sampling. These design choices have effects on the weighting methods.

A closely-related question is how sample should be allocated across population groups.

Propability Sampling

All members of a population have a non-zero chance to be contacted in a survey instrument. Traditional statistics rely on this assumption.


Non-probability Sampling

Some members of a population are certain to be contacted or not be contacted.


Stratified Allocation

Stratification is the process of dividing the population into discrete stratum, and then sampling from the strata.

Methods include:

Note that, if all measures are equally varied, proportional allocation is essentially the same as a Neyman allocation.

Selecting Domains

The key considerations for selecting the discrete strata, or domains:

Sampling Methods

Simple Random Sampling (SRS) is essentially sorting randomly and taking the first N cases.

Stratified Random Sampling (STSRS) is the above process applied to a stratified sample, using proportional allocation.

Systematic sampling is any form of sampling that takes every Nth case from a list. The key is then how the list is ordered.

Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) ensures that chance to be contacted increases with the magnitude of some measure. For example, in a study of utility customers, the largest consumers of that utility should almost always be contacted.

Multi-Stage Methods

Randomly select primary sampling units (PSU) like census tracts, then randomly select the actual targets (i.e. households) as secondary sampling units (SSU).

Cluster sampling is a two-stage method where all members of the sampled PSUs are contacted.

Common in face-to-face interviews, due to extraordinary costs of that mode.

Multi-Phase Methods

Sample for a screener, then re-sample based on the information collected in the screener. In most cases, all responses from the target group are re-contacted, while a random sample of others are re-contacted.

Design Effects

Design effect is a measure of efficiency for a sample design. Specifically, it compares a sample design against SRS, which can be considered a 'baseline' design in terms of simplicity and administrative cost. As the design effect increases, either the sample size must increase or the estimated variances will increase.

DEFFp(s)(x) = Varp(s)(x) / VarSRS(x)

The key input is the estimated sampling variance of some population estimator under some design (i.e. Varp(s)(x)). For complex sample designs, this is computed using resampling methods.

Unequal Weighting Effects

Kish decomposed the above calculation into terms of unequal weighting effects:

DEFFp(s)(x) = DEFFunequal weighting * DEFFclustering

The unequal weighting effect is the inverse of the effective sample size, also known as the effective base. For a given sample measure (y):

DEFFunequal weighting(y) = ∑i wi2 / (∑i wi)2

Note that this leaves finite population correction aside.

Variance Estimation

Sampling variance is how estimates would vary if samples are repeated drawn from the population. Of course, because the population descriptives are unknown, survey variance must be estimated.

The methods for variance estimation include:

Note that it isn't possible to estimate variance for a single unit, or a singleton stratum.

Finite Population Correction

Finite population correction (FPC) encapsulates the fact that as sample rate increases, sampling variance decreases. (If the entire population is sampled, there is no variance.) This is generally inapplicable if the sampling rate is below 5%.

Analysis in Stata

When using Stata...

Resampling Methods

Bootstrap Estimation

Bootstrapping is a method for imputing values for missing data. A random sample of equal size is drawn (i.e. cases are resampled non-exclusively from the original sample). The descriptives in question are modeled using logistic regression on the second sample, and missing values of the first sample are computed based on that model.


SurveySamples (last edited 2021-04-30 17:01:41 by DominicRicottone)