United Nations Security Council

The Security Council is a privileged body of the United Nations.


There are five permanent members of the Security Council:

In addition, ten members are elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly.


The council is led by a president. The seat rotates alphabetically each month.

Voting Rules

The Security Council makes decisions on the basis of a three-fifths (i.e. nine) majority.

All permanent members of the council have a veto that will unconditionally block a proposal.


There is a conference room in the United Nations headsquarters in New York City dedicated to the Security Council. However, the council is not bound to meeting there, nor is it bound to public meetings. Most meetings are instead informal consultations.


WorldHistory/UnitedNations/SecurityCouncil (last edited 2024-02-03 17:52:32 by DominicRicottone)