The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics

The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (ISBN: 9780262550420) was written by William Easterly in 2002.

A guiding principle of the book is that economic growth at the national level trickles down. Not necessarily at a desirable or fair level. Essentially, as an outsider, sometimes increasing a state's GDP by N% is a more feasible goal than, e.g., establishing an equitable social service.

Core Theory

Technology alone is insufficient as a predictor of growth.

Nonetheless, technology is the major causal factor for growth.

Knowledge leaks. Because knowledge leaks, there are insufficient incentives (from a societal rational perspective) for technological investment in a free market.

Individuals match in a free market based on technology/knowledge/skill.

Bad governmental policy and corruption are causal factors for negative growth.

Only meaningful suggestion to improve outcomes is to make international development conditional on policy outcomes, not promises to enact policy, e.g...

Reading Notes

Chapters 2, 3, and (to a lesser extent) 4 are an excellent review of the literature on production models and growth models, from Harrod-Domar on.

The remaining chapters of the first half devolve into disorganized, but still poignant, critiques of specific ideas.

Always remember: it's easy to pick out 'bad' policies in retrospect. It's easy to pick out 'bad' loans in retrospect.

There are so many issues with the critique of debt forgiveness. To each of his points...

There is a ton of false equivalence in the core theory.

The kicker is how 'luck' is presented as the only alternative plausible theory.

Review of the Literature and Replications

Discussion of Harrod-Domar model. In order to reach a target growth rate, a calculable amount of investment must be secured to fill a financial gap.

The author tests the Domar model with current data. It fits just 17 of 88 countries comparative data. Furthermore, the assumption that savings rates increase with aid was validated in just 6.

More fundamentally, the author tests the assumption that increased investment causes short-term growth. Essentially a replication of similar work by Blomström, Lipsey, and Zejan. Author uses 4-year periods, on the basis that international finance economists usually project 4 years forward in reports. They find just 4 countries show this property at any time:

History of using international finance to dictate economic, monetary, and fiscal policy.

History of debt forgiveness initiatives.

Author posits why debt forgiveness does not solve unequal growth. But I've put all of that under Reading Notes for a reason...


TheElusiveQuestForGrowth (last edited 2024-08-21 03:16:32 by DominicRicottone)