Stata PutDocx
The putdocx command is used for generating Word Documents.
putdocx begin, footer(foot1) header(head1) putdocx paragraph, style(Title) putdocx text ("Document Title") putdocx paragraph, style(Heading1) putdocx text ("Section Heading") putdocx save foo.docx
To insert a table, first it must be stored in a matrix.
tab foo bar, matcell(foobar)
Then try:
putdocx table foobar = etable
The table can then be accessed by by NAME(ROW,COL).
putdocx table foobar(1,.), bold putdocx table foobar(.,1), halign(left) putdocx table foobar(3,.), drop putdocx table foobar(1,1) = ("FOOBAR")
Headers and Footers
putdocx paragraph, tofooter(Foot1) putdocx text("Page Number ")
External Content
External graphs can be inserted.
graph export foo.png putdocx image foo.png, height(1) width(1)
Note that dimensions are measured in inches.
External text can also be inserted.
putdocx textfile foo.txt
The content of the external file is inserted from the cursor position. Use the stopat(pattern) option to halt insertion at some pattern match; the cursor will remain at that point.
Dynamic Tags
Dynamic tags are used to insert computed values.
putdocx textblock begin Substitution: <<dd_docx_display: `total'>>. putdocx textblock end
These can also be appended using putdocx textblock append.