SPSS is capable of handling most file formats, including proprietary ones.
To import from an Excel spreadsheet:
get data /type=xlsx /file="path/to/file" /sheet=name "Sheet1" /cellrange=full /readnames=on /assumedstrwidth=32767.
To export into an Excel spreadsheet:
save translate /outfile="path/to/file" /type=xlsx /version=12 /map /replace /fieldnames /cells=values /keep=VARLIST.
It is not possible to export into an existing spreadsheet and add a sheet.
To import from a CSV file:
get data /type=txt /file="path/to/file" /delimiters="," /firstcase=1 /importcase=all /variables= VAR1 A1 VAR2 F2.
If the data file has a header row, simply adjust the /FIRSTCASE subcommand to 2.
For an explanation on the syntax used on the /VARIABLES subcommand, see here.
To export into a CSV file:
save translate /outfile="path/to/file" /type=csv /map /replace /fieldnames /cells=values /keep=VARLIST.
To import from a tab-delimited file:
get data /type=txt /file="path/to/file" /delimiters="\t" /firstcase=1 /importcase=all /variables= VAR1 A1 VAR2 F2.
If the data file has a header row, simply adjust the /FIRSTCASE subcommand to 2.
For an explanation on the syntax used on the /VARIABLES subcommand, see here.
To export into a tab-delimited file:
save translate /outfile="path/to/file" /type=tab /map /replace /fieldnames /cells=values /keep=VARLIST.
To import from a fixed-width file:
get data /type=txt /file="path/to/file" /arrangement=fixed /fixcase=1 /firstcase=1 /importcase=all /variables= /1 VAR1 0-2 A VAR2 3-5 F.
For an explanation on the syntax used on the /VARIABLES subcommand, see here.
To export into a fixed-width file:
write outfile="path/to/file" /1 VARLIST.
Note that inter-operability of Stata and SPSS is locked to specific versions. SPSS 22 is inter-operable with Stata 8 only.
There must also be considerations for metadata loss--Stata 8 has very low limits on variable and value labels.
To import from a Stata file:
get stata file="path/to/file".
To export into a Stata 8 SE file:
save translate /outfile="path/to/file" /type=stata /version=8 /edition=se /map /replace /keep=VARLIST.