SAS Reading Data
SAS has procedures for automating the import of data files, but sometimes it's necessary to manually read data from a text file.
The primary way to read data into a SAS table is with a data step and the INFILE, INPUT, and OUTPUT statements.
InFile Statement
data LIBREF.TABLE; infile "data.txt" pad missover lrecl=80; run;
The LRECL option specifies the fixed-width size of a record. The MISSOVER and PAD options together ensure that unspecified fields are set to missing.
Input Statement
data LIBREF.TABLE; infile "data.txt" pad missover lrecl=80; input RECTYPE $ 1-1 @ ; if RECTYPE = "1" then do; input RECTYPE $ 1-1 VAR1 2-5 ; output LIBREF.TABLE1; end; else RECTYPE = "2" then do; input RECTYPE $ 1-1 VAR1 2-2 ; output LIBREF.TABLE2; end; run;
As demonstrated above, records can be partially input, processed, then completely input later.