SAS Macro Functions

Defining Functions

A macro function resolves to a value. To be as flexible as a macro function, certain restrictions must be adhered to. Chiefly a data step or process cannot be invoked.

%macro exist(dsname);
%mend exist;

Using SAS Functions

To use a SAS function inside a macro, the %sysfunc macro function must be used. %sysfunc cannot take nested SAS functions, but can take nested macro functions.

%let mon_title = %sysfunc(left(%qsysfunc(mdy(&mon,1,&curr_yr), monname9.)));

Remember the availability of the quoted %qsysfunc. In this context, the most contentious special character is the comma, which can be confused for an argument delimiter.

This results in an error:

%let date=%sysfunc(left(%sysfunc(today(),worddate.)));
/*                      ^
                        June 7, 2002
          left(June 7, 2002)
                     Error: `left` takes only one argument

This will not:

%let date=%sysfunc(left(%qsysfunc(today(),worddate.)));

Using Functions in the Data Step

A macro function can be called within a data step using resolve(). resolve actually can be used to get the value of any type of macro, including a macro variable.

resolve() can be called in three ways:

method1 = resolve("&mymacro");

method2call = '&mymacro';
method2 = resolve(method2call);

method3 = resolve(cats('&','my','macro'));

Built-in Functions


%let a=Foo;
%let b=%nrstr(&a bar);
%let c=%nrstr(&a);

The following functions can be used as:



Example Input

Example Result

%sysfunc(function call)

Evaluates a function call

%qsysfunc(function call)

Same, but masks value


Copies a substring from a value by literal position




Same, but masks value




Copies a substring from a value by parsed position

%scan(&c,1,' ')



Same, but masks value

%qscan(&c,1,' ')



Translates lowercase into uppercase




Same, but masks value



%lowcase(value) position

Translates uppercase into lowercase




Same, but masks value




Strips leading/trailing and multiple whitespace


Same, but masks value


Strips leading whitespace


Same, but masks value


Evaluates expression using integer arithmetic




Evaluates expression using floating point arithmetic




SAS/MacroFunctions (last edited 2022-06-08 20:13:01 by DominicRicottone)