Aggregating Data in SAS

Implicit Aggregation

Many procedures create intermediary, higher-level variables.

To count observations by catgegory, use PROC FREQ.

proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE noprint;
  tables=VAR / out=LIBREF.OUT;

For more details on the FREQ procedure, see here.

Many higher-level statistics can be retrieved through PROC MEANS. For example, to compute VARMEAN and VARMAX from VAR1 for each category of VAR2.

proc means data=LIBREF.TABLE noprint;
  var VAR1;
  class VAR2;
  ways 1;
  output out=LIBREF.OUT(drop=_FREQ_ _TYPE_) mean=VARMEAN max=VARMAX;

For more details on the MEANS procedure, see here.


SAS/AggregatingData (last edited 2023-01-13 23:51:26 by DominicRicottone)