Stephen Bocskai

Stephen Bocskai (Istvan Bocskai) was the prince of Transylvania.


Stephen was the uncle of Sigismund Bathory (Bathory Zsigmond), prince of Transylvania. He served as a councilor and military commander for his nephew.

Amidst a worsening war against the Ottoman Empire, Sigismund abdicated in favor of Rudolf I (more commonly known as Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire) in 1598. He persuaded his nephew to reclaim the realm in 1599 but Sigismund abdicated again that same year, this time to his cousin Andrew.

Between the Habsburg-backed Andrew and the years of direct rule by Rudolf II, Stephen fell out of favor with the government. However he did not join with the army of Michael the Brave.

In 1604, Gabriel Bethlen encouraged Stephen to press a claim for the principality. He began an uprising and was crowned as prince of Transylvania in early 1605.


The Bocskai uprising began in late 1604 and was concluded with a peace treaty on June 23, 1606. The Habsburgs ceded several counties in Royal Hungary to him as part of this treaty.


Stephen's intended heir was Balint Drugeth (Drugeth Balint). Local nobility instead elected Sigismund Rakoczi, his governor of Transylvania.


Romania/StephenBocskai (last edited 2023-05-18 02:45:48 by DominicRicottone)