Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Characteristics in Chicago

Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Characteristics in Chicago (DOI: was written by Robin Newberger, Mark O'Dell, Taz George, and Sharada Dharmasankar. It was published as Chicago Fed Letter No. 495 (2024).

The analysis utilizes Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax data (CCP) and ACS 5-year estimates.

Most neighborhoods experienced net out-migration.

Non-LMI tracts were less likely to experience net out-migration.

LMI tracts had lower exit rates than non-LMI tracts. Population loss in LMI tracts is a result of lower rates of entry, creating greater net out-migration, not higher rates of exit.

Movers tend to relocate within LMI categories, rather than across.

Migration into and out of Chicago is more frequent in non-LMI tracts.

Population growth is associated with greater human capital, especially CCP risk scores, educational attainment, and median household income.


ResidentialMobilityAndNeighborhoodCharacteristicsInChicago (last edited 2024-06-06 16:11:09 by DominicRicottone)