
rakudo(1) is the reference implementation of the raku(1) scripting language.


Arch Linux

For Arch Linux and derivative distributions, choose one of:

The former builds the entire rakudo(1) ecosystem from source. The latter install just the monthly binary release. Note that the latter does not include several utilities, such as tools/install-dist.p6, so it is not a true drop-in replacement of the rakudo package.

There is a zef AUR package but it is not compatible with the rakudo-bin package (for reasons explained above). Consider manual installation of zef(1).


For Debian and derivative distributions, use the rakudo-pkg project.

To setup the user repository, try:

curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs/rakudo-pkg/gpg.0DD4CA7EB1C6CC6B.key' |  gpg --dearmor >> /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nxadm-pkgs-rakudo-pkg.gpg
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs/rakudo-pkg/config.deb.txt?distro=ubuntu&codename=xenial' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nxadm-pkgs-rakudo-pkg.list
apt-get update

Install the rakudo-pkg package and source the /etc/profile.d/rakudo-pkg.sh script.

To use zef(1), try:

. /etc/profile.d/rakudo-pkg.sh
zef update zef


Currently, the binary names raku and rakudo are interchangeable. The general recommendation is to use raku for both interactive use and shebang lines.


Raku/Rakudo (last edited 2023-09-29 18:12:04 by DominicRicottone)