Python Built-in Types

Python has the following built-in types available at the global scope.


An object referencing one of two possible values: True and False.

Variables instantiated as bool are mutable but the boolean values themselves are immutable.


A mutable bytes object. The following are equivalent declarations:

ba = bytearray(b'...'))
ba = bytearray([46, 46, 46]).

Note that iterating over a bytearray yeilds int values, not byte values.

In the context of type annotations, try:

ba: bytes = bytearray(b'abc'))


In the context of type annotations, try:

b: bytes = b"abc"


A complex number stored as real and imaginary components.

z = complex(-2.0, 0.0)
z == z.real + z.imag*1j

See the cmath module for doing math with complex numbers.


In the context of type annotations, try:

d: dict[str, int] = {"1": 1}


A floating point number.

There are also the IEEE 754 special values:

In the context of type annotations, try:

f: float = 3.14


In the context of type annotations, try:

def __init__(self) --> None:
    self._options: frozenset[str] = frozenset([1, 2])


In the context of type annotations, try:

i: int = 0


In the context of type annotations, try:

l: list[str] = ["ham", "spam"]


An interface into internal memory of objects.

In the context of type annotations, try:

mv: bytes = memoryview(obj)


In the context of type annotations, try:

s: set[str] = set(["A", "B", "A"])


In the context of type annotations, try:

s: str = "abc"

A list of methods for str objects can be seen here.


In the context of type annotations, try:

single: tuple[int] = [1]
double: tuple[int, int] = [1, 2]
nple: tuple[int, ...] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

The tuple[T, ...] annotation checks for homogenous typing. To allow for a a variable number of any values, try:

from typing import Any

something: tuple[Any, ...] = [1, "1"]


Python/Builtins/Types (last edited 2024-01-16 02:39:46 by DominicRicottone)