Postal Codes


Australia Post postal codes are 4 digits long (zero-padded). The leading 2 digits indicate a state.

For more details, see here


Austrian postal codes are 4 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.


Canadian postal codes are 6 characters long in the format A1A 1A1. Note the space character delimiting the 3 character segments.

For more details, see here.


French postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.


German postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded). The leading digit indicates a region, though these regions do not follow other political boundaries.

For more details, see here.


Grenada does not use postal codes.


Italian postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.


Japanese postal codes are 7 digits long (zero-padded) with a hyphen between the 3rd and 4th digits (i.e. 123-4567). Within Japan, the postal code mark (〒) is often prefixed. The leading 2 digits indicate a prefecture.

For more details, see here.


Liechtensteinian postal codes are 4 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.


Mexican postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded). The leading two digits indicates a state.

For more details, see here.


Monegasque postal code is 98000.

For more details, see here.

San Marino

Sammarinese postal codes are between 47890 and 47899.

For more details, see here.

South Korea

South Korean postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded). The leading 2 digits indicate a province-level region, and the leading 3 digits indicate a county-level region.

For more details, see here.


Spanish postal codes are 5 digits long (zero-padded). The leading two digits indicates a province.

For more details, see here.


Swiss postal codes are 4 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.


Thai postal codes are 5 digits long.

For more details, see here.

United Kingdom

Postal codes in the modern UK are 6 to 8 characters long, delimited by a space character into 2 segments.

For more details, see here.

United States

USPS postal codes (ZIP codes) are 5 digits long (zero-padded).

ZIP+4 is an extension of the standard postal code system, involving an additional (trailing with hyphen delimiter) postal code that is 4 digits long (zero-padded).

For more details, see here.

Vatican City

The Vatican's postal code is 00120.

For more details, see here.


PostalCodes (last edited 2023-02-01 20:39:29 by DominicRicottone)