MariaDB is a relational database. It is designed to be 1:1 equivalent to MySQL.
Installation and Setup
Most Linux and BSD distributions offer a mariadb package.
Before installing to filesystems such as Btrfs or ZFS, investigate file system-specific configurations.
Install the mariadb package and manually initialize the database:
$ mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
Note that if datadir is anything other than the default, a configuration must be set as well.
[mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql
start and enable mariadb.service.
Timezone tables (as used by CONVERT_TZ()) are not populated by default. If this feature is necessary, additionally run:
$ mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql
Install the mariadb-server package. Then run the interactive initialization script.
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
Setting custom passwords is not encouraged, as the Debian project has automated package upgrades. Instead, consider creating a privileged admin user.
$ sudo mysql MariaDB> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; MariaDB> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; MariaDB> exit
Docker container images are also available for the current version. The image is available from DockerHub as (or simply mariadb when using docker(1) specifically).
docker run --detach --name my-mariadb \ -p \ --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-passwd \ mariadb:latest
Best practice is to set the MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable instead of using the password as plaintext.
docker run --detach --name my-mariadb \ -p \ --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD \ mariadb:latest
It will likely be necessary to also bind mount directories for configuration files and the database file.
docker run --detach --name my-mariadb \ -p \ --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD \ --mount type=bind,src=path/to/conf,dst=/etx/mysql/conf.d \ --mount type=bind,src=path/to/db,dst=/var/lib/mysql \ mariadb:latest
MariaDB reads (in order) /etc/my.cnf, files in /etc/my.cnf.d/ ending in cnf, and ~/.my.cnf.
For Docker containers, use a bind mount to /etc/mysql/conf.d/.
See here for details on configuration.
The mysql(1) utility is the primary client for interfacing with a MariaDB database.
To create a new user role, try:
$ mysql -u root -p MariaDB> CREATE USER 'monty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass'; MariaDB> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'monty'@'localhost'; MariaDB> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; MariaDB> quit
To create a new user role with remote access, replace 'localhost' with an interface (like '') that is exposed to the network and that MariaDB is configured to listen on.
For PHP to connect to MariaDB, /etc/php/php.ini must be configured like:
extension=mysqli extension=pdo_mysql [Pdo_mysql] pdo_mysql.default_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Changing the Encoding
The utf8mb4 encoding is recommended over utf8. To convert an existing database, try:
MariaDB> ALTER DATABASE database_name CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci; MariaDB> ALTER TABLE table_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; MariaDB> ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE column_name column_name VARCHAR(varchar_size) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
$ mysqldump --single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2 --all-databases -u root -p | gzip > all_databases.sql.gz
A backup can be reloaded with:
$ zcat all_databases.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p
For a containerized MariaDB instance, try:
$ docker exec some-mariadb sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /some/path/on/your/host/all-databases.sql $ docker exec -i some-mariadb sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD"' < /some/path/on/your/host/all-databases.sql
To upgrade a database between major software releases, update the package and run:
$ mysql_upgrade -u root -p
After running successfully, restart the database daemon. If the daemon exited before successfully running the upgrade script, it should be restarted using mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/mysql/.
Repairs and Optimizations
$ mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair -f -o -u root -p
Audit User Access
Users are stored in the mysql.user table, which can be queried. For example, to list all users with remote access:
MariaDB> SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user WHERE Host <> 'localhost';