Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux is a Linux-based operating system. It is distinguished from other distributions by its dedication to minimalism. It is ideal for containerized deployments.


Insert the target device and ensure it is not mounted. (If it is, try umount /dev/sdXN.)

Upstream recommends use of fdisk(8). The partitioning process is as follows:

fdisk /dev/sdX
  1. Ensure that the device is not using a GPT partition table. This would be listed under Disklabel type. (Press p to list the partitions.) The correct value is dos, not gpt.

  2. Create new partition table with one FAT32 partition
    1. d Delete all partitions (and repeat as needed)

    2. n Create a new partition

    3. p A primary partition

    4. 1 Partition number 1

    5. Use defaults for first and last cylinder (press [Enter] twice).
    6. t Change partition type

    7. c Partition type (Win95 FAT32/LBA)

  3. Ensure that the primary partition is bootable. This is marked by an asterisk (*). (Press p to list the partitions.) To make the partition bootable...

    1. a Set the boot flag on a partition

    2. 1 Partition number 1

  4. w Write your changes to the device

For more general advice regarding partitioning, see here.

Format the new partition with:

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX1

Note that mkfs.vfat and mkdosfs are the same.

Finally, dd(1) the ISO onto the device. Or for a Raspberry Pi, copy the boot binaries onto the device.




Linux/Alpine (last edited 2023-01-08 20:24:15 by DominicRicottone)