Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Matrices are characterized by their eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Ax is a linear transformation: A maps the input vector x to the output vector b.

For some linear transformations (i.e. some, but not all, matrices A), there are certain input vectors x where the output vector b is also just a linear transformation of the input vector x. In other words, A mapped x to a scaled version of x. That scaling factor is notated λ.

For example, rotation around the y axis in 3 dimensions by θ degrees is calculated with:

┌                 ┐
│  cos(θ) 0 sin(θ)│
│       0 1      0│
│ -sin(θ) 0 cos(θ)|
└                 ┘

The the vector [0 1 0]], and importantly any linear transformation of that unit vector, will not be transformed by this A. (And because the linear transformation involves no scaling, λ = 1.)

The certain input vectors are the eigenvectors of A. The scaling factors are the eigenvalues of A.

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> A = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; -1 0 0]
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
  0  0  1
  0  1  0
 -1  0  0

julia> eigvals(A)
3-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
 0.0 - 1.0im
 0.0 + 1.0im
 1.0 + 0.0im

julia> eigvecs(A)
3×3 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.707107-0.0im       0.707107+0.0im       0.0+0.0im
      0.0-0.0im            0.0+0.0im       1.0+0.0im
      0.0-0.707107im       0.0+0.707107im  0.0+0.0im

Note that the other eigenvectors and eigenvalues are complex. Note also that the eigenvectors are returned as the eigenvector matrix, usually notated as S.


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are the pairs of λ and x that satisfy Ax = λx and |A - λI| = 0.

Unless A is defective, there should be n unique pairs of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. If there is a repeated eigenvalue, there may not be n independent eigenvectors.


Adding nI to A does not change its eigenvectors and adds n to the eigenvalues.

The sum of the eigenvalues is the trace (sum of diagonal). The product of the eigenvalues is the determinant.


Special Cases

A diagonal matrix is a special and trivial case for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Finding Eigenvalues

Because eigenvalues are characterized by |A - λI| = 0, they can be solved for by:

In a simple 2 x 2 matrix, this looks like:

|    A   -  λI   | = 0

│ ┌    ┐  ┌    ┐ │
│ │ a b│ -│ λ 0│ │ = 0
│ │ c d│  │ 0 λ│ │
│ └    ┘  └    ┘ │

│ ┌        ┐ │
│ │ a-λ   b│ │ = 0
│ │   c d-λ│ │
│ └        ┘ │

(a-λ)(d-λ) - bc = 0

Finding Eigenvectors

Because eigenvectors are characterered by:

Eigenvectors can be solved for given eigenvalues. For each given λi, substitute it into that final equation and solve for the corresponding xi.

In a simple 2 x 2 matrix, this looks like:

(   A    -  λI   )   x  =   0

/ ┌    ┐  ┌    ┐ \ ┌  ┐   ┌  ┐
│ │ a b│ -│ λ 0│ │ │ u│ = │ 0│
│ │ c d│  │ 0 λ│ │ │ v│   │ 0│
\ └    ┘  └    ┘ / └  ┘   └  ┘

┌        ┐ ┌  ┐   ┌  ┐
│ a-λ   b│ │ u│ = │ 0│
│   c d-λ│ │ v│   │ 0│
└        ┘ └  ┘   └  ┘

┌        ┐ ┌  ┐   ┌  ┐
│ a-λ   b│ │ u│ = │ 0│
│   c d-λ│ │ v│   │ 0│
└        ┘ └  ┘   └  ┘

(a-λ)u + (b)v = 0
(c)u + (d-λ)v = 0


LinearAlgebra/EigenvaluesAndEigenvectors (last edited 2024-02-06 05:04:28 by DominicRicottone)