Croat Monarchs

A history of Croat monarchs.

Kingdom of Croatia

Tomislav established a kingdom in 925 by joining the duchies of Pannonia and Dalmatia. This kingdom was organized into counties called zupanije. Kings appointed a viceroy called a ban.

The kingdom's focus was in consolidating control over the Dalmatian city-states, which brought it into conflict (and bargaining) with the Bulgarians and Byzantines.

Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia

Coloman was elected king of Croatia and Dalmatia. The kingdoms of Hungary and Croatia entered into a union that would hold until Ottoman conquest.

As the monarchs typically reigned from Hungary, one or more viceroys were appointed to oversee Croatia. The title ban continued to be used for these offices. The banate of Slavonia became a position of particular influence, and eventually was raised to a duchy.

Kingdom of Dalmatia

Following a brief Napoleonic conquest, the Dalmatian coast was consolidated under the Austrian Empire.

The region was reorganized into a new Kingdom of Dalmatia and became a Habsburg crownland, with its capital in Zadar.

Triune Kingdom

The concept of a united Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slavonia was popular among nationalists. This was alluded to in the Austro-Hungarian Compromise, which supposedly established a union of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Triune Kingdom. Dalmatia, however, continued to be administered by Austria.


The Treaty of Trianon ceded the entirety of Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia to Serbia. See the history of Croat democratization for the continuation of this national identity.





Trpimir I

845 - 864


878 - 879


892 - 910


910 - 925


Local name



925 - 928

Trpimir II

928 - 935

Kresimir I

935 - 945


945 - 949

Michael Kresimir II

Mihajlo Kresimir

949 - 969

Stephen Drzislav

Stjepan Drzislav

969 - 997

Svetoslav Suronja

997 - 1000

Kresimir III

1000 - 1030


1000 - 1020

Stephen I


1030 - 1058

Peter Kresimir IV

Petar Kresimir

1058 - 1074

Demetrius Zvonimir

Dmitar Zvonimir

1075 - 1089

Stephen II


1089 - 1091

Kresimir III and Gojslav co-ruled until the latter's death.


After the Trpimirovic dynasty ended without an heir, Ladislaus I of Hungary pressed a claim on the kingdom. Petar Snacic was elected by local nobility to oppose his invasion.



Petar Snacic

1093 - 1097

While Petar would outlive Ladislaus I, his successor Coloman completed the conquest; Petar died in battle without an heir.


Croatia/Monarchs (last edited 2024-05-17 21:34:22 by DominicRicottone)