ANES Cumulative

The fresh cross-section samples of ANES time series studies are aggregated into cumulative data files.


From the data center: "Over the years, the most common ANES study design has been a cross-section, equal probability, sample. These designs are typically "self-weighting"...".

In recent distributions of the cumulative data file, there are several weights. Most weight factors are simply "1.0" per the stated design. Principally, there are 9 weights based on a cross-selection of two analysis choices:

  1. For 2012 and 2016, should all data be used (z), or only data from face-to-face interviews (x), or only data from web interviews (y)?

  2. For 1970, should data collected from the most common version of the questionnaire ("Type 0", 0009) be used, or from the "Type 1" questionnaire (0010), or from the "Type 2" questionnaire (0011)?

Apart from these studies, the weights are identical across the variables.

Note that mode of interview is captured in VCF0017, but this is not the same as (1.). The weights are partitioned for sample design, i.e. treatment groups.

In summary, this will probably suffice:

svyset [pweight=VCF0009z], vce(linearized)

If working with only face-to-face interview data, try using VCF0009x instead.

There is also a post-election weight (VCF9999) if working exclusively with respondents to the post-election interviews.






Year of study


Sample indicator (panel "recontact", "fresh", etc.)


Mode of interview


Liberal-Conservative self-identifiation, 7-point scale


Liberal-Conservative compelled choice, 3-point scale

Follow-up if VCF0803 was refused or if VCF0803="Moderate"


Should guarantee jobs and living standards


Should guarantee jobs and living standards, 7-point scale


"Aid to blacks" 7-point scale


Should increase defense spending, 7-point scale

VCF0006 is a unique ID within each study (as indicated by VCF0004). VCF0006a is unique across all studies.


A quick exploration of the data reveals possibly unintended interview patterns, and illogical combinations.

VCF0824 is a follow-up question; it should only be asked if VCF0803 was refused or if a response of "Moderate" was given (in a subset of years). The intention is to compel respondents to 'pick a side'.

. svy: prop VCF0803 VCF0824, percent
(running proportion on estimation sample)

Survey: Percent estimation

Number of strata =      1                                                Number of obs   =   37,572
Number of PSUs   = 32,951                                                Population size = 37,502.3
                                                                         Design df       =   32,950

                                                  |             Linearized            Logit
                                                  |    Percent   std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
                                          VCF0803 |
    0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); R not  |       4.66       0.13          4.42        4.92
                            1. Extremely liberal  |       2.20       0.09          2.02        2.39
                                      2. Liberal  |       8.44       0.17          8.11        8.79
                             3. Slightly liberal  |       8.48       0.17          8.16        8.82
                 4. Moderate, middle of the road  |      26.05       0.28         25.51       26.60
                        5. Slightly conservative  |      11.25       0.19         10.88       11.62
                                 6. Conservative  |      13.92       0.22         13.50       14.36
                       7. Extremely conservative  |       2.97       0.11          2.77        3.18
            9. DK; haven't thought much about it  |      22.03       0.27         21.51       22.56
                                          VCF0824 |
       0. R has made choice on 7pt scale VCF0803  |      55.93       0.31         55.32       56.54
                                      1. Liberal  |      11.71       0.21         11.31       12.13
              3. Moderate ('middle of the road')  |       9.74       0.19          9.38       10.11
                                 5. Conservative  |      16.69       0.24         16.22       17.17
                          7. R refuses to choose  |       1.81       0.08          1.65        1.98
                                           8. DK  |       3.45       0.10          3.25        3.66
9. NA in either question; technical error (2020)  |       0.67       0.05          0.58        0.77

The natural expectation, then, is that a valid response to the follow-up should require non-response or a "Moderate" response to the lead. This is not the case:

. tab VCF0803 VCF0824 if inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1,3,5)

                      |  If Compelled to Choose Liberal
 Liberal-Conservative |         or Conservative
                Scale | 1. Libera  3. Modera  5. Conser |     Total
 1. Extremely liberal |         4          3          2 |         9 
           2. Liberal |        21         24          7 |        52 
  3. Slightly liberal |        40         90         15 |       145 
5. Slightly conservat |        12         79         63 |       154 
      6. Conservative |         6         29         44 |        79 
7. Extremely conserva |         1          3         12 |        16 
                Total |        84        228        143 |       455 

The following tabulations seem to be of interest, but are reproduced here without a thoughtful explanation.

. generate ctd = (inlist(VCF0803,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1)) | (inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3) & inlist(VCF0824,5))

. keep if inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1,3,5)
(67,769 observations deleted)

. tab VCF0017 ctd

                      |          ctd
    Mode of Interview |         0          1 |     Total
      0. All personal |        95         15 |       110 
      4. All internet |       317         28 |       345 
                Total |       412         43 |       455 

. tab VCF0016 ctd

        Cross-section |
   composition: fresh |          ctd
  Cross or panel case |         0          1 |     Total
  0. Fresh Cross case |       412         43 |       455 
                Total |       412         43 |       455 

. tab VCF0004 ctd

   Year of |          ctd
     Study |         0          1 |     Total
      2016 |       412         43 |       455 


AmericanNationalElectionStudies/Cumulative (last edited 2024-11-16 21:56:52 by DominicRicottone)