= World Medical Association = The '''World Medical Association''' ('''WMA''') is an international association of professional medical associations. <> ---- == History == The World Medical Association was founded in 1947 when an international conference of physicians was held in Paris. This was largely a successor to '''l'Association Professionnelle Internationale des Médecins''', which had stalled in [[WorldHistory/WorldWar2|World War 2]]. In 1964, the WMA codified ethical research in the [[WorldHistory/WorldMedicalAssociation/DeclarationOfHelsinki|Declaration of Helsinki]]. It was the first significant instance of self-regulation in the human subject research space. ---- == Structure == The WMA is ''not'' a [[WorldHistory/UnitedNations|United Nations agency]], but it does have an official relation with the [[WorldHistory/UnitedNations/WorldHealthOrganization|WHO]]. ---- CategoryRicottone