= United Nations Security Council = The '''Security Council''' is a privileged body of the United Nations. <> ---- == Membership == There are five permanent members of the Security Council: * [[China]] * [[France]] * [[Russia]] * [[UnitedKingdom|United Kingdom]] * [[UnitedStates|United States]] In addition, ten members are elected for two-year terms by the [[WorldHistory/UnitedNations/GeneralAssembly|General Assembly]]. ---- == Presidency == The council is led by a '''president'''. The seat rotates alphabetically each month. ---- == Voting Rules == The Security Council makes decisions on the basis of a three-fifths (i.e. nine) majority. All permanent members of the council have a '''veto''' that will unconditionally block a proposal. ---- == Headquarters == There is a conference room in the United Nations headsquarters in [[UnitedStates/NewYorkCity|New York City]] dedicated to the Security Council. However, the council is not bound to meeting there, nor is it bound to public meetings. Most meetings are instead '''informal consultations'''. ---- CategoryRicottone