= Ottoman Vilayets = Originally the Ottoman Empire was divided into [[WorldHistory/OttomanEmpire/Eyalets|eyalets]]. Following the '''Tanzimat reforms''', the empire was redivided into '''vilayets''' (''ولایت'', literally "province") led by '''vali''' (from the title ''wāli'' (''والي'') used in the wider Islamic sphere). Like eyalets, vilayets were subdivided into '''sanjak''' (''سنجاق'', literally "flag") led by '''sanjak-beys''' (''سنجاق بك'', alternatively ''sanjaq-'' or ''-beg''). <> ---- == Salonica == [[WorldHistory/OttomanEmpire/Eyalets#Rumelia|Rumelia]] was reformed into the vilayet of '''Salonica''' in 1867. ---- CategoryRicottone