= European Union = The '''European Union''' ('''EU''') is an economic and political union of sovereign states. <> ---- == History == ---- == Members == ---- == Structure == The executive branch of the EU includes: * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/EuropeanCommission|European Commission]] * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/EuropeanCouncil|European Council]] * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/EuropeanCourtOfAuditors|European Court of Auditors]] * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/EuropeanCentralBank|European Central Bank]] The legislative branch of the EU includes: * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/EuropeanParliament|European Parliament]] * the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/CouncilOfTheEuropeanUnion|Council of the European Union]] For judicial matters, the EU has the [[WorldHistory/EuropeanUnion/CourtOfJustice|Court of Justice]]. It largely deals with interpretation of constitutional and human rights laws. ---- CategoryRicottone