= National Security Council = The '''National Security Council''' is an [[UnitedStates/ExecutiveOfficeOfThePresident|executive advisory board]] to the [[UnitedStates/Presidents|president]] on matters of national security. <> ---- == Composition == The board consists of the [[UnitedStates/Presidents|president]], vice president, the secretaries of [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfState|state]], the [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfTheTreasury|treasury]], [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfDefense|defense]], [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfEnergy|energy]], and [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfHomelandSecurity|homeland security]], and the '''national security advisor''', the director of the [[UnitedStates/OfficeOfScienceAndTechnologyPolicy|OSTP]], the [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfJustice|attorney general]], and the [[WorldHistory/UnitedNations|UN]] representative. The national security advisor is a presidential appointment; the office of the national security advisor is organized under the [[UnitedStates/ExecutiveOfficeOfThePresident|White House Office]]. Other senior bureaucrats and servicemembers, such as the director of [[UnitedStates/OfficeOfManagementAndBudget|OMB]], are invited to meetings relevant to their domains. ---- == History == [[UnitedStates/HarrySTruman|Truman]] established the '''National Intelligence Authority''' in 1946 to oversee the [[UnitedStates/CentralIntelligenceAgency|Central Intelligence Group]]. The board consisted of the secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and the chief of staff to the commander in chief. Succeeding that executive board, the [[UnitedStates/NationalSecurityAct|National Security Act]] established the '''National Security Council'''. The chair of the [[UnitedStates/NationalSecurityResourcesBoard|NSRB]], which was also established by the act, sat on the council; it would be dissolved within 6 years however. In 2004, the '''Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act''' established the position of '''Director of National Intelligence''' ('''DNI''') to oversee the CIA directly. ---- CategoryRicottone