= United States Department of Justice = The '''United States Department of Justice''' ('''DOJ''') is an executive [[UnitedStates/Departments|department]] of the federal government. It enforces federal law and represents the federal government in litigation. <> ---- == Composition == The department is led by an '''attorney general''', '''deputy attorney general''', '''associate attorney general''', and '''solicitor general'''. Several '''assistant attorneys general''' oversee divisions and offices. The following agencies and bureaus report to the attorney general and deputy attorney general: * [[UnitedStates/BureauOfAlcoholTobaccoFirearmsAndExplosives|ATF]] * [[UnitedStates/FederalBureauOfPrisons|BOP]] * [[UnitedStates/DrugEnforcementAgency|DEA]] * [[UnitedStates/FederalBureauOfInvestigation|FBI]] ---- == History == ---- CategoryRicottone