= Defense Security Cooperation Agency = The '''Defense Security Cooperation Agency''' ('''DSCA''') is a [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfDefense|DOD]] agency that overseas security cooperation. <> ---- == Composition == The DSCA is overseen by the [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfDefense|Undersecretary of Defense for Policy]]. The agency is led by a '''director''' and '''deputy director'''. ---- == History == The '''Defense Security Assistance Agency''' was founded in 1971. In 1998, the agency was renamed to the '''Defense Security Cooperation Agency'''. ---- == Programs == The '''Foreign Military Sales''' ('''FMS''') program is for direct sales between the U.S. government and a foreign government. Defense contractors and aerospace manufacturers in the U.S. are compulsorily represented by the DSCA in all international sales. The '''International Military Education and Training''' ('''IMET''') program operates as a grant. ---- CategoryRicottone