= United States Census Bureau = The '''United States Census Bureau''' ('''USCB'''), officially the Bureau of the Census, is a [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfCommerce|U.S. DOC]] agency. It is responsible for conducting the [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/Census|U.S. Census]]. <> ---- == Composition == The Census Bureau is overseen by the [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfCommerce|U.S. Department of Commerce]]. The bureau is led by a '''director'''. ---- == History == The '''Census Office''' was established in 1840. In 1902, the Census Office was re-organized under the [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfTheInterior|Department of the Interior]]. The [[UnitedStates/DepartmentOfCommerce|U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor]] was established in 1903 and the Census Office was again re-organized under it, and simultaneously renamed to the '''Census Bureau'''. When that department was split in 1913, the Census Bureau remained in the DOC. ---- == Terminology == * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/CoreBasedStatisticalAreas|Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/LanguageCodes|Language Codes]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/PublicUseMicrodataAreas|Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/ZipCodeTabulationAreas|ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs)]] ---- == Surveys == * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/AmericanCommunitySurvey|American Community Survey (ACS)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/AmericanHousingSurvey|American Housing Survey (AHS)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/CurrentPopulationSurvey|Current Population Survey (CPS)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/SurveyOfIncomeAndProgramParticipation|Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/Census|U.S. Census]] ---- == Services == * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/MicrodataAccessTool|Microdata Access Tool (MDAT)]] * [[UnitedStates/CensusBureau/TigerWeb|TIGERweb]] ---- CategoryRicottone