= Al Gore = '''Al Gore''' was a [[UnitedStates/DemocraticParty|Democratic]] politician, [[UnitedStates/HouseOfRepresentatives|congressman]], [[UnitedStates/Senate|senator]], and [[UnitedStates/Presidents|vice president]] of the United States. <> ---- == History == Gore served in the [[UnitedStates/ArmedForces|U.S. Army]] during the [[WorldHistory/VietnamWar|Vietnam War]]. Following [[UnitedStates/JoeLEvins|Evins']] decision to not seek re-election in 1976, Gore ran for the [[UnitedStates/DemocraticParty|Democratic]] nomination in [[UnitedStates/HouseOfRepresentatives|TN-4]]. He narrowly secured the party nomination with a plurality of the vote; the election itself was a landslide. Following [[UnitedStates/HowardBaker|Baker's]] decision to not seek re-election in 1984, Gore chose to run for the [[UnitedStates/Senate|Senate]]. He won the Democratic nomination, and then the general election (against [[UnitedStates/VictorAshe|Ashe]]), by a wide margin. He ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in the 1988 presidential election. While [[UnitedStates/MichaelDukakis|Dukakis]] eventually won the nomination, Gore's larger issue was [[UnitedStates/JesseJackson|Jackson's]] ability to split the Southern voting block; they effectively were spoilers for each other. He ran in 1992 on the [[UnitedStates/BillClinton|Clinton]]-Gore ticket. Notably, he participated in the three-way Vice Presidential debate with [[UnitedStates/DanQuayle|Quayle]] and [[UnitedStates/JamesStockdale|Stockdale]]. They won the popular vote with a 43% plurality but a landslide in the electoral college. The 1996 presidential election saw the Clinton-Gore ticket capturing an even larger margin (against the [[UnitedStates/BobDole|Dole]]-[[UnitedStates/JackKemp|Kemp]] ticket). In 1999, Gore began campaigning for the 2000 presidential election. He won every state primary and selected [[UnitedStates/JoeLieberman|Lieberman]] to complete the ticket. However, despite winning the popular vote by about 500,000, and despite ongoing recount, the [[UnitedStates/SupremeCourt|Supreme Court]] ruled in '''Bush v. Gore''' that the [[UnitedStates/GeorgeWBush|Bush]]-[[UnitedStates/DickCheney|Cheney]] ticket won Florida and secured a slim majority in the electoral college. Gore continues to be involved in private and philanthropic environmental activism. ---- == Policies == Gore's foci were technological and environmental policies. As a member of the [[UnitedStates/HouseOfRepresentatives|House]] and later the [[UnitedStates/Senate|Senate]], he was involved in the Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology, Intelligence, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Armed Services Committees. He introduced the '''Supercomputer Network Study Act''' in 1986 and is credited with creating the '''High Performance Computing Act''' in 1991. He participated in the negotiations for the [[WorldHistory/KyotoProtocol|Kyoto Protocol]]. ---- == Legacy == '''An Inconvenient Truth''', which Gore wrote, is a lasting image of Gore's environmental activism. ---- CategoryRicottone