= Edward Russell = '''Edward Russell''' was a [[UnitedKingdom/WhigParty|Whig]] politician, [[UnitedKingdom/ArmedForces#HM_Naval_Service|Naval officer]], and member of the [[UnitedKingdom/Parliament|Parliament]]. <> ---- == History == Russell entered the [[UnitedKingdom/ArmedForces#HM_Naval_Service|Royal Naval]] in 1666 and rapidly rose through the officer corps in the '''Third Anglo-Dutch War'''. That did not prevent Russell from becoming an early supporter for [[UnitedKingdom/WilliamIII|William's]] claim; he participated in planning the '''Glorious Revolution'''. He won election to [[UnitedKingdom/Parliament|Parliament]] in the ensuing election and entered government. As an admiral now, he commanded the French blockade during the [[WorldHistory/NineYearsWar|Nine Years War]]. He quickly was made commander-in-chief for the '''Williamite War'''. He was created '''earl of Orford''', '''baron of Shingay''', and '''Viscount Barfleur''' in 1697. [[UnitedKingdom/Anne|Anne]] succeeded in 1702 and dismissed all [[UnitedKingdom/WhigParty|Whigs]] from government. As the [[WorldHistory/WarOfSpanishSuccession|War of Spanish Succession]] dragged on though, her government came to be dominated by a '''Whig Junto''' that included [[UnitedKingdom/JohnSomers|Somers]], [[UnitedKingdom/CharlesMontagu|Montagu]], [[UnitedKingdom/ThomasWharton|Wharton]], and Russell. This government fell in 1710, in the context of the '''Sacheverell riots'''. ---- CategoryRicottone