= Alec Douglas-Home = '''Alec Douglas-Home''' was a [[UnitedKingdom/ConservativeParty|Conservative]] politician, member of the [[UnitedKingdom/Parliament|House of Lords]], and [[UnitedKingdom/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]] of the [[UnitedKingdom/Democratization|United Kingdom]]. <> ---- == History == TODO: learn some history! ---- == Policies == TODO: learn some history! ---- == Legacy == Upon election as [[UnitedKingdom/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]], Douglas-Home resigned his peerage and sought special election to the [[UnitedKingdom/Parliament#House_of_Commons|House of Commons]] in a [[UnitedKingdom/ConservativeParty|Conservative]] stronghold district. This established the norm of lords not serving as prime minister. In the absence of him, the last lord to serve as prime minister was [[UnitedKingdom/RobertGascoyneCecil|Gascoyne-Cecil]]. ---- CategoryRicottone CategoryTodoLearnHistory