= Pheu Thai Party = The '''Pheu Thai Party''' is a [[Thailand/PoliticalParties|Thai political party]]. <> ---- == History == On September 19th, 2006, the [[Thailand/NationalPeacekeepingCouncil|royal army]] overthrew the elected government of [[Thailand/ThaksinShinawatra|Thaksin Shinawatra]]. Thaksin was attending the [[WorldHistory/UnitedNations/GeneralAssembly|United Nations General Assembly]] in [[UnitedStates/NewYorkCity|New York City]] at the time. On May 30th, 2007, the '''Constitutional Court''' declared that his [[Thailand/ThaiRakThaiParty|Thai Rak Thai Party]] was outlawed and leaders were banned from government. Just months prior to this, from exile, Thaksin founded the '''Pheu Thai Party'''. For the December 27th, 2007 elections, many members of the former Thai Rak Thai Party ran with the [[Thailand/PeoplesPowerParty|People's Power Party]]. The PPP openly claimed to be Thaksin-affiliated. While [[Thailand/SamakSundaravej|Samak Sundaravej]] did win the election, the Constitutional Court similarly declared that the party was outlawed and leaders (i.e. the sitting elected government) were banned from government. The Pheu Thai Party served as the opposition to the coalition government of [[Thailand/AbhisitVejjajiva|Abhisit Vejjajiva]]. [[Thailand/YingluckShinawatra|Yingluck Shinawatra]] led the party to victory in the 2011 general elections. ---- CategoryRicottone