= Stata Set = <> ---- == Usage == === Adosize === ---- === Autotabgraphs === ---- === Cformat === ---- === Clevel === ---- === Coeftabresults === ---- === Collect_double === ---- === Collect_label === ---- === Collect_style === ---- === Collect_warn === ---- === Conren === ---- === Copycolor === ---- === Dockable === ---- === Docx_hardbreak === ---- === Docx_paramode === ---- === Dots === ---- === Fastscroll === ---- === Floatwindows === ---- === Fredkey === ---- === Fvbase === ---- === Fvlabel === ---- === Fvtrack === ---- === Fvwrap === ---- === Fvwrapon === ---- === Graphics === ---- === Haverdir === ---- === Httpproxy === ---- === Httpproxyauth === ---- === Httpproxyhost === ---- === Httpproxyport === ---- === Httpproxypw === ---- === Httpproxyuser === ---- === Include_bitmap === ---- === Iterlog === ---- === Java_heapmax === ---- === Java_home === ---- === Lapack_mkl === ---- === Lapack_mkl_cnr === ---- === Level === ---- === Linegap === ---- === Linesize === ---- === Locale_functions === ---- === Locale_ui === ---- === Locksplitters === ---- === Logmsg === ---- === Logtype === ---- === Lstretch === ---- === Matacache === ---- === Matafavor === ---- === Matalibs === ---- === Matalnum === ---- === Matamofirst === ---- === Mataoptimize === ---- === Matasolvetol === ---- === Matastrict === ---- === Maxbezierpath === ---- === Maxdb === ---- === Maxiter === ---- === Max_memory === ---- === Max_preservemem === ---- === Maxvar === ---- === Min_memory === ---- === More === ---- === Niceness === ---- === Notifyuser === ---- === Obs === ---- === Odbcdriver === ---- === Odbcmgr === ---- === Output === ---- === Pagesize === ---- === Pformat === ---- === Pinnable === ---- === Playsnd === ---- === Printcolor === ---- === Processors === ---- === Python_exec === ---- === Python_userpath === ---- === Reventries === ---- === Revkeyboard === ---- === Rmsg === ---- === Rng === To use an alternate random number generation algorithm, set the rng value to something other than `default`. {{{ set rng default }}} Possible values include... * `mt64` (64-bit Mersenne Twister) * `mt64s` (stream algorithm based on the 64-bit Mersenne Twister) * `kiss32` (32-bit keep it simple stupid) In Stata 14, the default flipped from `kiss32` to `mt64`. ---- === Rngstate === ---- === Rngstream === ---- === Scheme === ---- === Scrollbufsize === ---- === Searchdefault === ---- === Seed === To make random number generation reproducible, set a seed value. {{{ set seed 42 }}} A seed value must be an integer, non-negative, and no greater than 2^31^ − 1. ---- === Segmentsize === ---- === Sformat === ---- === Showbaselevels === ---- === Showemptycells === ---- === Showomitted === ---- === Smoothfonts === ---- === Sortmethod === ---- === Sortrngstate === ---- === Table_style === ---- === Taskbargroups === ---- === Trace === ---- === Tracedepth === ---- === Traceexpand === ---- === Tracehilite === ---- === Traceindent === ---- === Tracenumber === ---- === Tracesep === ---- === Type === ---- === Update_interval === ---- === Update_prompt === ---- === Update_query === ---- === Varabbrev === ---- === Varkeyboard === ---- == See also == [[https://www.stata.com/manuals/rset.pdf|Stata manual for set]] ---- CategoryRicottone