Stata Numeric Functions
Stata supports these numeric functions in the global scope.
General Purpose
Function Name |
Meaning |
Example |
abs(n) |
Absolute value function |
ceil(n) |
Round up to an integer |
comb(n,k) |
exp(n) |
Exponential function: en |
expm1(n) |
High precision implementation of exp(n)-1 |
floor(n) |
Round down to an integer |
int(n) |
Round towards 0 to an integer |
-5 = int(-5.8) |
invlogit(n) |
Inverse logit function |
ln(n) |
Natural log function |
logit(n) |
ln1m(n) |
High precision implementation of ln(n-1) |
ln1p(n) |
High precision implementation of ln(n+1) |
max(n,...) |
Returns the value of the greatest argument |
5 = max(1,.,5) |
mix(n,...) |
Returns the value of the least argument |
1 = min(1,.,5) |
mod(x,y) |
x modulo y |
real(s) |
Convert string s into a real number |
round(n) |
Round to the nearest integer |
round(n,p) |
Round to the nearest value for a given precision |
sign(n) |
Returns -1 if n<0, 0 if n=0, and 1 if n>0 |
sqrt(n) |
Square root function |
string(n) |
Convert numeric value n into a string |
strofreal(n) |
Convert numeric value n into a string |
sum(x) |
Running sum of variable x |
trunc(n) |
Round towards 0 to an integer |
-5 = trunc(-5.8) |
Date and Time Functions
These functions return date and datetime formatted values.
Function Name |
Meaning |
Output Format |
dhms(d,h,m,s) |
Attach hour, minute, and second data to a date |
%tc |
Cdhms(d,h,m,s) |
Attach hour, minute, and second data to a date |
%tC |
dmy(d,m,y) |
Calculate a date from a day, month, and year |
%td |
hms(h,m,s) |
Calculate a time from an hour, minute, and second |
%tc |
Chms(h,m,s) |
Calculate a time from an hour, minute, and second |
%tC |
mdy(m,d,y) |
Calculate a date from a month, day, and year |
%td |
mdyhms(m,d,y,h,m,s) |
Calculate a datetime from a year, month, day, hour, minute, and second |
%tc |
Cmdyhms(m,d,y,h,m,s) |
Calculate a datetime from a year, month, day, hour, minute, and second |
%tC |
y(y) |
Convert a numeric year into the number of years since the epoch |
%ty |
yh(y,h) |
Convert a year and halfyear into the number of half years since the epoch |
%th |
ym(y,m) |
Convert a year and month into the number of months since the epoch |
%tm |
yq(y,q) |
Convert a year and quarter into the number of quarters since the epoch |
%tq |
yw(y,w) |
Convert a year and week into the number of weeks since the epoch |
%tw |
Statistical Functions
Function Name |
Meaning |
Example |
invnormal(p) |
Inverse cumulative standard normal distribution |
1.959964 = invnormal(1-0.05/2) |
normal(z) |
Cumulative standard normal distribution |
.9750021 = normal(1.96) |
runiform() |
Random number from uniform distribution from 0 to 1 |
runiform(a,b) |
Random number from uniform distribution from a to b |
Of relevance to random values: see set rng and set seed.