Stata Ds
The ds command lists variables.
Used alone, ds will simply return the given variable list.
ds foo bar baz
To list all variables other than foo, bar, and baz, try the not option:
ds foo bar baz, not
Variables can be described by a specification and ds will return the list of variables matching (or not matching) it.
ds, spec(type numeric) ds, not(type string)
Valid specifications for the spec(spec) and not(spec) options are:
type typelist
format patternlist
varlabel patternlist
vallabel patternlist
char patternlist
Types are any of the data types plus categories like string, str#, and numeric.
Patterns look like %t* (as in format %t*, which selects all variables with a datetime display format) or *weight* (as in varlabel *weight*, which selects all variables with a variable label including the word 'weight').
Stored Results
The list of selected variables is stored in r(varlist), without any truncation or indentation.