= Stata Contract = The '''`contract`''' command creates a dataset of descriptive statistics. <> ---- == Usage == Given a dataset like: ||'''id'''||'''foo'''||'''bar'''||'''baz'''|| ||1 ||0 ||0 ||10 || ||2 ||1 ||0 ||20 || ||3 ||0 ||0 ||10 || ||4 ||1 ||0 ||20 || ||5 ||0 ||1 ||10 || ||6 ||1 ||1 ||20 || ||7 ||0 ||1 ||10 || ||8 ||1 ||1 ||20 || Running `contract foo bar` would create a dataset like: ||'''foo'''||'''bar'''||'''_freq'''|| ||0 ||0 ||2 || ||0 ||1 ||2 || ||1 ||0 ||2 || ||1 ||1 ||2 || To rename the frequency variable, try the '''`freq(varname)`''' option. ---- == Statistics == The `contract` command can compute additional descriptive statistics using these option: * '''`cfreq(varname)`''' creates a cumulative frequency, increasing over rows * '''`percent(varname)`''' creates a percentage for each row * '''`cpercent(varname)`''' creates a cumulative percentage, increasing over rows ---- == See also == [[https://www.stata.com/manuals/dcontract.pdf|Stata manual for contract]] ---- CategoryRicottone