Shell Redirection


To redirect a file's contents into a command, try:

: </path/to/file

To redirect a command's STDOUT into a file, try:

: >/path/to/file

If the noclobber shell option is enabled, use >| instead to force overwriting.

Use >> instead to append to a file, as opposed to overwriting.

For details on redirecting with file descriptors, including STDOUT and STDERR, see here.

Here Documents

A here document is an anonymous and transient file that is redirected into a command.

echo <<EOF
line one
line two

line four

To indent the here document with tab characters, use <<-EOF.

Word splitting and filename expansion do not apply to here documents. To prevent those from being applied, quote the marker (i.e. "EOF")

Note that the here document marker can be anything, but the common convention is to use EOF.


Shell/Redirection (last edited 2023-01-30 00:48:04 by DominicRicottone)