= SPSS Output = The '''`OUTPUT`''' command manipulates output windows and exports them to external files. <> ---- == Usage == === Activate === {{{ output activate foo. }}} The specified output window must already exist. An error will be raised otherwise. === Close === {{{ output close foo. output close all. }}} The specified dataset must already exist. An error will be raised otherwise. === Display === To list the available output windows, try: {{{ output display. }}} === Export === To create a PDF file, try: {{{ output export /contents export=visible layers=visible modelviews=visible /pdf documentfile="path/to/output.pdf" embedbookmarks=yes embedfonts=yes. }}} To create an interactive HTML file, try: {{{ output export /contents export=all layers=all modelviews=all /html documentfile="path/to/output.htm" notescaptions=yes imageformat=png styling=yes interactivelayers=yes. }}} If the '''`NAME`''' option is not specified, the active output window is used. === Modify === === Name === {{{ output name foo. }}} The specified name should not refer to an output window that already exists. Otherwise the output window formerly known by the name is assigned a new unique name. === New === {{{ output new. }}} A new unique name is assigned to the new output window. === Open === {{{ output open file="path/to/output.spv". output open file="path/to/output.spv" name=foo. }}} If the '''`NAME`''' option is not specified, a new unique name is assigned. The specified output window should not already exist. Otherwise the output window formerly known by the name is assigned a new unique name. === Save === {{{ output save file="path/to/output.spv". output save file="path/to/output.spv" name=foo. }}} If the '''`NAME`''' option is not specified, the active output window is used. ---- == Data Model == The `OUTPUT ACTIVATE`, `OUTPUT CLOSE`, `OUTPUT DISPLAY`, `OUTPUT EXPORT`, `OUTPUT MODIFY`, `OUTPUT NAME`, `OUTPUT NEW`, `OUTPUT OPEN`, and `OUTPUT SAVE` commands execute immediately. Pending transformations do ''not'' execute, and the active dataset is ''not'' read. ---- == See also == [[https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/manual/html_node/OUTPUT.html|PSPP manual for OUTPUT]] ---- CategoryRicottone