Aggregating Data with SPSS

SPSS offers several commands for computing aggregated statistics and translating datasets into aggregated formats.


Scratch variables can be used to compute aggregated statistics.

compute #TotalSales = sum(Sales, #TotalSales).
compute Total_Sales = #TotalSales.

The LEAVE command can be used in a similar manner.

compute Total_Sales = sum(Sales, Total_Sales).
leave Total_Sales.

The AGGREGATE command creates a new dataset of aggregated statistics.

aggregate outfile=* mode=addvariables
  /Total_Sales = sum(Sales).

Additionally it allows for group variables on the /BREAK subcommand.

aggregate outfile=* mode=addvariables
  /Total_Sales = sum(Sales).

Wide and Long Data

The CASESTOVARS command translates a long dataset into wide format. If the dataset already has an index variable for the within-group sequence, specify it on the /INDEX subcommand.


Otherwise variables will be spread into an unknowable number of sequentially-named variables.

If case-wise descriptive statistics are all that is desired from the translation, consider instead using the AGGREGATE command.

dataset declare clients.

The VARSTOCASES command translates a wide dataset into long format.

  /make Sales from Sales.1 to Sales.4

Data Model

The AGGREGATE command does not recognize SPLIT FILE status.


SPSS/AggregatingData (last edited 2023-06-11 20:45:57 by DominicRicottone)