SPSS Aggregate Functions
The AGGREGATE command creates variables using a mini-programming language that is largely characterized by the below functions.
General Syntax
The number of target variables must match the number of source variables.
Generally, missing values are ignored. Strings will never be considered missing.
Generally, a missing value are only returned if all values are missing. The exception is SD, which requires two non-missing values.
PSPP extends this syntax with handling for user missing values. To include this type of missing values on any aggregate function, append the function name with a period. For example, SUM..
Variable Metadata
Only the MAX, MIN, FIRST, and LAST functions copy the metadata of a source variable.
All other created variables lack labels and have a format pre-determined by the function.
F5.3 for functions FGT, FIN, FLT, and FOUT
F5.1 for functions PGT, PIN, PLT, and POUT
F7.0 for functions NU and NUMISS
F8.2 for functions CGT, CIN, CLT, COUT, MEAN, MEDIAN, SD, SUM, N, and NMISS
If weighting is not enabled, N and NMISS create variables with a format of F7.0. In other words, N and NMISS match the behavior of NU and NUMISS when weighting is disabled.
To specify a variable label for a new target variable, list the label in quotes following the new variable name.
Value labels cannot be specified.
Variable formats cannot be specified.
Count functions
The CGT and CLT functions returns a count of cases with a value greater/less than a second argument.
The CIN function returns a count of cases within an inclusive range defined by the second and third arguments. If the second argument is greater than the third, they are automatically reversed. If they are equal, CIN operates as an equality.
The COUT function is the complement of CIN.
Note: These are all unsupported in SPSS version 21 or earlier, and in PSPP version 1.6.2 or earlier.
The FIRST function returns the first non-missing value for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
Fraction functions
The FGT and FLT functions returns a fraction of cases with a value greater/less than a second argument.
The FIN function returns a fraction of cases within an inclusive range defined by the second and third arguments. If the second argument is greater than the third, they are automatically reversed. If they are equal, FIN operates as an equality.
The FOUT function is the complement of FIN.
The LAST function returns the lastnon-missing value for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
The MAX function returns a maximum non-missing value for each source variable.
String values are evaluated according to codepoints. For example, "Z" has a higher codepoint than "A", so between the two values the maximum value is "Z". String values will never be considered missing.
The MEAN function returns a mean across cases for each source variable.
Note: only valid for numeric variables.
The MEDIAN function returns a median value for each source variable.
Note: only valid for numeric variables.
The MIN function returns a minimum non-missing value for each source variable.
String values are evaluated according to codepoints. For example, "A" has a lower codepoint than "Z", so between the two values the minimum value is "A". String values will never be considered missing.
The N function returns a weighted number of cases in a break group.
If specified with a variable list argument, the N function returns a weighted number of cases with non-missing values for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
The NMISS function returns a weighted number of cases with missing values for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
The NU function returns an unweighted number of cases in a break group.
If specified with a variable list argument, the NU function returns an unweighted number of cases with non-missing values for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
The NUMISS function returns an unweighted number of cases with missing values for each source variable. String values will never be considered missing.
Percentage functions
The PGT and PLT functions returns a percentage of cases with a value greater/less than a second argument.
The PIN function returns a percentage of cases with a value within some range for each source variable. If the second argument is greater than the third, they are automatically reversed. If they are equal, PIN operates as an equality.
The POUT function is the complement of PIN.
The SD function returns a standard deviation across cases for each source variable.
Note: only valid for numeric variables.
The SUM function returns a sum across cases for each source variable.
Note: only valid for numeric variables.