= SPSS Add Files = The '''`ADD FILES`''' command adds the rows of an multiple datasets. <> ---- == Usage == {{{ add files /file=fiscalquarter1 /file=fiscalquarter2 /file=fiscalquarter3 /file=fiscalquarter4. }}} If a variable is present in more than one dataset, metadata is taken from the first dataset with any (i.e. variable label, value labels, or missing values) metadata set. === File === Each '''`/FILE`''' subcommand takes one of: * a star (`*`) indicating the active data set * the name of a data set * a filename or [[SPSS/FileHandle|file handle]] If the active dataset is included in a join and referenced by a star (`*`), that dataset will be modified in-place by the join. If the active dataset is included in a join and referenced by name, the final dataset will retain the name. If the active dataset is not included, the final dataset is unnamed and becomes the active dataset. === Rename === The '''`/RENAME`''' subcommand applies [[SPSS/RenameVariables|renames]] to the `/FILE` subcommand preceding it. These renames take place before the datasets are combined. === By, First, and Last === The '''`/BY`''' subcommand causes the final dataset to be sorted by a key variable. Each dataset must be presorted by the key variables. The '''`/FIRST`''' and '''`/LAST`''' subcommands append flag variables that mark the first and last matches by the key variables. Together, these options can be used to mark the sequence of cases within a group. {{{ add files /file=* /by id /first=PrimaryFirst /last=PrimaryLast. do if PrimaryFirst=1. compute MatchSequence = 1 - PrimaryLast. else. compute MatchSequence = MatchSequence + 1. end if. leave MatchSequence. }}} === Keep and Drop === The '''`/KEEP`''' and '''`/DROP`''' subcommands specify a list of variables to keep or drop from the final dataset. Any variable created by a `/IN`, `/FIRST`, or `/LAST` subcommand cannot be dropped. ---- == Data Model == The `ADD FILES` command reads all datasets and data files named on `/FILE` subcommands. Execution of the `ADD FILES` command is deferred until the active dataset is read, or until one of the [[SPSS/Execute|EXECUTE]], [[SPSS/FileIO|SAVE]], or [[SPSS/SortCases|SORT CASES]] commands are used. The `ADD FILES` command recognizes [[SPSS/Filter|FILTER]] status and preserves it, although filtered cases are included in the final dataset. The `ADD FILES` command deactivates [[SPSS/Weight|WEIGHT]] status. ---- == See also == [[https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/manual/html_node/ADD-FILES.html|PSPP manual for ADD FILES]] ---- CategoryRicottone