= SAS Import = A utility procedure for generating a data step that imports a data file. <> ---- == Usage == To import a CSV file, try: {{{ proc import datafile=FILEREF out=LIBREF.TABLE dbms=csv; getnames=yes; run; }}} To import a Stata file, try: {{{ proc import datafile=FILEREF out=LIBREF.TABLE; run; }}} === GetNames Statement === The '''`GETNAMES`''' statement is almost always useful for text data. === GuessingRows Statement === The `IMPORT` procedure guesses the format of each variable based on peaking ahead some number of cases (controlled by the '''`GUESSINGROWS`''' statement). The best solution is usually setting this parameter to `MAX`. If SAS consistently fails to guess the import format of data, consider copying the syntax generated by the `IMPORT` procedure and manually correcting it. ---- CategoryRicottone