= SAS Freq = A procudure for printing one-way frequency tables up to n-way crosstabs. <> ---- == Usage == To display frequencies of variables, try: {{{ proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE order=freq; tables VARLIST; run; }}} To list unique values, add the `nlevel` option to the procedure. === Tables Statement === The '''`TABLES`''' statement creates a table for each variable specified in `VARLIST`. To create a crosstab, try: {{{ proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE; tables STUBVAR*BANNERVAR; run; }}} To suppress certain aspects of the frequency table, specify the corresponding suppression option. For example, to suppress cumulative frequencies, try: {{{ proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE order=freq; tables VARLIST / nocum; run; }}} The options are: ||'''Option'''||'''Meaning''' || ||`nocum` ||suppress cumulative percentages || ||`nopercent` ||suppress cell percentages || ||`norow` ||suppress row percentages || ||`nocol` ||suppress column percentages || ||`crosslist` ||trigger nested list display for crosstabs || ||`list` ||as above and includes `STUBVAR` on each row|| === By Statement === The `BY` statement specifies one or more variables for which the `PROC FREQ` should be split. ---- == Tables Out == To store the frequencies displayed on a table, try: {{{ proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE order=freq; tables VARLIST / nocum out=LIBREF.NEWTABLE; run; }}} `NEWTABLE` will contain the enw variables `COUNT` and `PERCENT`. ---- == Plot == To plot the frequencies percentages displayed on a table, try: {{{ ods graphics on; ods select freqplot; proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE order=freq; tables VARLIST / plots=freqplot(orient=horizontal scale=percent); run; }}} To plot a crosstab with percentages, try: {{{ ods graphics on; ods select freqplot; proc freq data=LIBREF.TABLE order=freq; tables STUBVAR*BANNERVAR / plots=freqplot(groupby=row orient=horizontal scale=grouppercent); run; }}} ---- CategoryRicottone