Python Typing

The typing and typing_extensions modules support the type annotation system in the Python language.

The type annotation system has evolved rapidly with multiple instances of breaking changes. For an overview of the entire system, see Type Annotation.

Primitive Types


Any satisfies all type checking, which can be useful for making things 'just work'.


Do not use typing.Callable[...] in Python 3.9+; instead use[...].


To annotate an argument or return value that must be one of a set of literal values, use Literal.

from typing import Literal

def true() -> Literal[True]:
    return True

def open_helper(file: str, mode: Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb']) -> None:


To annotate a string argument or return value that must one of...

...use LiteralString. As an example, consider SQL templating functions.

from typing import LiteralString

def run_query(sql: LiteralString) -> None

def caller(arbitrary_string: str, literal_string: LiteralString) -> None:
    # pass, because is a literal string
    run_query("SELECT * FROM students")

    # pass, because is a value annotated as a LiteralString

    # pass, because is a combination of a literal string and a value annotated as a LiteralString
    run_query("SELECT * FROM " + literal_string)

    run_query(arbitrary_string)  # type checker error
    run_query(  # type checker error
        f"SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = {arbitrary_string}"

This adds a degree of safety by way of the type checker.

The following str methods all preserve LiteralString annotation.


To annotate an argument that can also be None, use Optional.

from typing import Optional

def int_or_none(arg: Optional[int]) -> None:
    if arg is not None:
        # type checkers understand type guards; `arg` is checked as an `int` here
        arg += 1


Do not use typing.Tuple[...] in Python 3.9+; instead use the built-in tuple[...].


To annotate an argument that can be multiple types, use Union.

from typing import Union

def int_or_str(arg: Union[int, str]) -> None:
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        # type checkers understand type guards; `arg` is checked as an `int` here
        arg += 1
        # type checkers also infer that `arg` is a `str` here
        arg += "1"

If the argument can be either a type or None, consider Optional.

See also the union operator (|).

Annotations for Type Hints

The following annotations are mostly useful for visual hints in IDEs.


from typing import Annotated

SmallInt = Annotated[int, ValueRange(0, 9)]

Annotations for Annotations

The following annotations are mostly useful for supporting annotations.


Functions like isinstance function as a type guard; subsequent conditional lines are checked knowing that a value has passed the guard and is of a contrained type.

Custom type guard functions can be written and annotated with TypeGuard. If the function returns True, then the corresponding value is of a constrained type.

from typing import TypeGuard

def is_str_list(val: list[object]) -> TypeGuard[list[str]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)

Annotations for Logic Checks

The following annotations are mostly useful for causing a type checker to identify issues with program logic. They may be necessary to satisfy the type checker in edge cases.



If there is a function that should never be called, annotate the argument with Never.

from typing import Never

def never_call_me(arg: Never) -> None:

# fail
def do_it_anyway(arg: int | str) -> None:

# pass: arg is either int or str so the default case is never reached
def int_or_str(arg: int | str) -> None:
    match arg:
        case int():
        case str():
        case _:


Do not use NoReturn in Python 3.11+; instead use Never.



If there is a constant that should never be changed, annotate with Final.

from typing import Final

MAX_CONN: Final[int] = 1

# fail



If there is a class attribute that should never be set on an instance, annotate with ClassVar.

from typing import ClassVar

class Quadruped:
    feet: ClassVar[int] = 4

cat = Quadruped("cat")

# fail
cat.feet = 3


For class methods that return an instance of the class, use Self. This is superior to using forward references because subclasses will automatically have the correct annotation.

from typing import Self

class Foo:
    def return_self(self) -> Self:
        return self

Custom Types

To create a custom type, use NewType. Type checkers will treat the custom type as a subclass of the original type, while rejecting passed arguments of the original type.

from typing import NewType

UserId = NewType('UserId', int)

# passes
user_a = get_user_name(UserId(42351))

# fails
user_b = get_user_name(-1)

Given the above example, at runtime, UserId returns a callable that immediately returns the original value. This leads to three properties:

  1. UserId(value) has minimal runtime overhead

  2. an instance of UserId cannot be returned at runtime; UserId(value) immediately evaluates to value

  3. UserId is not subclassable (except by chaining NewType: ProUserId = NewType('ProUserId', UserId))


To annotate a generic type, use TypeVar.

from import Sequence
from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def first(l: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return l[0]
