= Python Random = '''`random`''' is a module for pseudo-random number generation. <> ---- == Usage == ||'''Function''' ||'''Meaning''' || ||`betavariate()` || || ||`binomialvariate(n, p)` ||return the [[Python/Builtins/Types#Int|int]] expected number of successes given a binomial distribution over probability `p` (between 0 and 1) and given `n` trials|| ||`choice(it)` ||return a random element of [[Python/Collections/Abc#Sequence|sequence]] `it` || ||`choices()` || || ||`expovariate()` || || ||`gammavariate()` || || ||`gauss(mu, sigma)` ||return a [[Python/Builtins/Types#Float|float]] from the Gaussian distribution characterized by ''mu'' and ''sigma'' || ||`getrandbits()` || || ||`lognormvariate()` || || ||`normalvariate(mu, sigma)`||return a float from the normal distribution characterized by ''mu'' and ''sigma'' || ||`paretovariate()` || || ||`randbytes()` || || ||`randint(a, b)` ||return an int from the discrete uniform distribution between ''a'' and ''b'', inclusive || ||`random()` ||return a float between 0 and 1, inclusive of 0 || ||`randrange()` ||return an int from a range; takes same arguments as `range()` (i.e. `range(10)`; `range(1,11,2)`) || ||`sample()` || || ||`seed()` || || ||`shuffle(it)` ||randomize the order of elements in [[Python/Collections/Abc#MutableSequence|mutable sequence]] `it` in place || ||`triangular()` || || ||`uniform(a, b)` ||return a float from the continuous uniform distribution between ''a'' and ''b'', inclusive (except when floating point rounding hits the high value) || ||`vonmisesvariate()` || || ||`weibullvariate()` || || ---- == See also == [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html|Python random module documentation]] [[https://pymotw.com/3/random/|Python Module of the Day article for random]] ---- CategoryRicottone