
The Python package build system is split into frontends and backends according to protocols found in several PEPs; chiefly 517 and PEP 660. In modern usage, this system is orchestrated through the pyproject.toml file.


The original packaging system depended on specially-crafted scripts.

Almost universally, these required that the third-party setuptools package be installed.

from setuptools import setup
from pathlib import Path

this_directory = Path(__file__).parent
long_description = (this_directory / "").read_text()

  description='This is the short description',
  author='John Doe',
  author_email='[email protected]',
    'console_scripts': [
      'my-project-cli = my-project:main',

To pull the version from a source control mechanism, snippets like this were used:

import subprocess

ver =['git', 'describe', '--tags'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()


Such a package is installed by running python install.

To reduce the size of built packages, source code files to be included were sometimes dynamically selected with snippets like:

from glob import glob

    'my-project': [
    ] + [f[5:] for f in glob('static/**', recursive=True)]


There are fundamentally two types of package distributions: source distributions (sdist) and binary distributions (bdist).

The command for creating an sdist is python sdist. The distribution would be placed in a dist/ subfolder.

There have been several different bdist formats over time. One of the earliest was egg files, which was favored by the easy_install package installer. Eggs files were named like my-package-1.0.2-py3.6.egg and were specially-crafted ZIP archives. The command for creating an wheel was python bdist_egg. The egg would be placed in a dist/ subfolder, build artifacts would be placed in a build/ subfolder, and parsed information was collected in a subfolder named like my-package.egg-info/.

The modern standard bdist format is wheel files, which is favored by pip. Wheel files are named like my-project-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl and are also specially-crafted ZIP archives. The command for creating a wheel is python bdist_wheel, which depended on the wheel package being installed. Otherwise the same subfolders were used, including my-package.egg-info/.

Note that the supported types of distributions came from the standard library's distutils module. This was obscured over time by the popularity of setuptools.

PEPs 517, 660, and 518

PEP 518 introduced the pyproject.toml file, intended to declare a package's build backend.

To continue using the legacy build system (i.e.,, the following was sufficient.

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

New packaging tools were encouraged to adopt this file specification and read from separately-named tables. (Note: in the TOML specification, [table-name] declares a table and any lines following it are attributes to that table.)


While pyproject.toml was adopted, setuptools did not embrace it. As a half-way step, a declarative configuration language was introduced for the setup.cfg file.

A minimal setup.cfg looked like:

name = my-project
version = 1.0.2
description = This is the short description
long_description = file: path/to/my/long/description
license = GPL
author = John Doe
author_email = [email protected]
url =

packages = my-project
python_requires = >= 3.6
install_requires =
    toml >= 0.10.2

console_scripts =
    my-project-cli = my-project:main

my-project =

This enabled the use of minimal shim files:

import setuptools
if __name__ == "__main__":

With this pair of files, install remained a functional build command.

Note that the ability to include globbing patterns under [options.package_data] was added much later. Previously, the recommendation was to not migrate off of

PEPs 631 and 621

PEP 631 designed the [project] table for pyproject.toml.

name = "my-project"
description = "This is the short description"
readme = "path/to/my/long/description"
version = "1.0.2"
authors = [ { name = "John Doe", email = "[email protected]" } ]
urls = { homepage = "" }
license = { file = "path/to/my/license" }
requires-python = ">=3.6"
dependencies = [
    "toml >= 0.10.1",

my-project-cli = "my-project:main"

Note the similarities to the setup.cfg syntax. Some notable changes to highlight:

This PEP was ultimately superseded by the specification of PEP 621.


The dependencies attribute can be heavily customized. As an example, this was the pyproject.toml of docker-compose at one point:

dependencies = [
  'cached-property >= 1.2.0, < 2',
  'distro >= 1.5.0, < 2',
  'docker[ssh] >= 4.2.2, < 5',
  'dockerpty >= 0.4.1, < 1',
  'docopt >= 0.6.1, < 1',
  'jsonschema >= 2.5.1, < 4',
  'PyYAML >= 3.10, < 6',
  'python-dotenv >= 0.13.0, < 1',
  'requests >= 2.20.0, < 3',
  'texttable >= 0.9.0, < 2',
  'websocket-client >= 0.32.0, < 1',

  # Conditional
  'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size == 1.0.0; python_version < "3.3"',
  'backports.ssl_match_hostname >= 3.5, < 4; python_version < "3.5"',
  'colorama >= 0.4, < 1; sys_platform == "win32"',
  'enum34 >= 1.0.4, < 2; python_version < "3.4"',
  'ipaddress >= 1.0.16, < 2; python_version < "3.3"',
  'subprocess32 >= 3.5.4, < 4; python_version < "3.2"',

socks = [ 'PySocks >= 1.5.6, != 1.5.7, < 2' ]
tests = [
  'ddt >= 1.2.2, < 2',
  'pytest < 6',
  'mock >= 1.0.1, < 4; python_version < "3.4"',

Note that the syntax for version specification is inherited from PEP 440.

Package Data

setuptools continues to support limiting package data. This functionality is moved to a separately-named table.

my-project = ["Makefile", "", "static/*"]

Note that globbing is now supported. It is necessary to use Unix-style paths for all glob patterns, even when building on Windows.

Setuptools SCM

setuptools_scm is an extension of setuptools for pulling version information dynamically from source control mechanisms.

First, version must be removed from the [package] table and declared as dynamic.

# version = "1.0.2"
dynamic = ["version"]

A minimal template for pyproject.toml becomes:

requires = ["setuptools>=64", "setuptools-scm>=8"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

# presence enables setuptools-scm

Note that another feature of setuptools_scm is automatic Package Data determination. Built packages only include files tracked by the source control mechanism. To disable this feature, you must disable the Package Data functionality entirely.

include-package-data = false


In the modern build system, distributions have been pared down to sdist and wheel.

Furthermore, distutils is deprecated and will be removed from the standard library. The setuptools project has adopted a large subset of its API as a compatibility module. In other words, building a package distribution will soon require external dependencies.

The new recommended method for building package distributions is installing the build package and running python -m build. This creates both an sdist and a wheel, and specifically builds the wheel from the sdist. (Note that setuptools and wheel are dependencies of build.)


Python/PyProject (last edited 2024-10-28 17:32:05 by DominicRicottone)