= Python Itertools = <> ---- == Usage == === Accumulate === ---- === Chain === ---- === Combinations === ---- === Combinations_With_Replacement === ---- === Compress === ---- === Count === ---- === Cycle === ---- === DropWhile === ---- === FilterFalse === ---- === GroupBy === ---- === ISlice === ---- === Pairwise === ---- === Permutations === ---- === Product === ---- === Repeat === ---- === StarMap === ---- === TakeWhile === ---- === Tee === ---- === Zip_Longest === ---- == See also == [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html|Python itertools module documentation]] (''In particular, note the Itertools Recipes section which demonstrates how itertools can be composed into higher-level functions.'') [[https://pymotw.com/3/itertools/|Python Module of the Day article for itertools]] ---- CategoryRicottone