Python GetPass

getpass is a utility module for getting user input without printing to the screen.



Get user input without printing to the screen.

import getpass

passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt='This is a prompt for your password: ')

The prompt anmed option defaults to "Password: ".

Internally the prompt is written to a file stream (/dev/tty by default, or sys.stderr if that is unavailable). This can be configured with the stream named option except on Windows.

If a non-printing stream cannot be located, getpass.getpass falls back on sys.stdin and raises getpass.GetPassWarning.


A UserWarning subclass that is raised when user input may be printed to the screen.


Returns the value of the first non-empty environment variable: LOGNAME, USER, LNAME, and USERNAME, in that order.

See also

Python getpass module documentation

Python Module of the Day article for getpass


Python/GetPass (last edited 2023-06-15 18:36:25 by DominicRicottone)