Python Datetime Time
A datetime.time object represents a time.
A datetime.time object is constructed as:
t1 = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=None)
All arguments are optional.
t2 = datetime.time()
The components can be accessed like:
t1.hour # 23 t1.minute # 59 t1.second # 59 t1.millisecond # 999999 t1.tzinfo # None t1.fold # 0
Note that fold is used to indicate a time that is 'repeated' (as in 'setting the clock back').
Class Functions
To construct a datetime.time from most valid ISO 8601 strings, try:
import datetime datetime.time.fromisoformat('04:23:01') #datetime.time(4, 23, 1) datetime.time.fromisoformat('T04:23:01') #datetime.time(4, 23, 1) datetime.time.fromisoformat('T042301') #datetime.time(4, 23, 1) datetime.time.fromisoformat('04:23:01Z') #datetime.time(4, 23, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
- The T prefix is not required
- Timezone offsets are allowed to have fractional seconds
- Hours and minutes are not allowed to be fractional
- Seconds are allowed to be fractional to any number of digits
A passthrough to datetime.timezone.dst for the tzinfo component of datetime.time.
If the datetime.time object is timezone naive, returns None.
Return a string like HH:MM:SS. Appends microseconds like .ffffff if not 0. Appends timezone offset like +HH:MM[:SS[.ffffff]] if not timezone naive.
An optional keyword-only argument timespec customizes the string.
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='auto'), the default, follows the above behavior
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='hours') returns a string like HH
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='minutes') returns a string like HH:MM
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='seconds') returns a string like HH:MM:SS
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='milliseconds') returns a string like HH:MM:SS.fff
datetime.time.isoformat(timespec='microseconds') returns a string like HH:MM:SS.ffffff
Return a copy of the datetime.time object with the specified components replaced.
import datetime t1 = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) t2 = t1.replace(tzinfo=None) t3 = t2.replace(hour=0)
Return a formatted string timestamp.
See here for an explanation of the directives.
A passthrough to datetime.timezone.tzname for the tzinfo component of datetime.time.
If the datetime.time object is timezone naive, returns None.
A passthrough to datetime.timezone.utcoffset for the tzinfo component of datetime.time.
If the datetime.time object is timezone naive, returns None.
datetime.time objects can be used with the following operators.
Operation |
Meaning |
t1 < t2 |
returns True if t1 is earlier than t2 else False |
t1 == t2 |
returns True if t1 represents the same UTC or timezone naive time as t2 else False |
Two datetime.time objects can only be compared if both have timezone information, or both are naive to timezones. Mixing categories will raise a TypeError, except for the == and != operators (which will always indicate that the two are unlike).