= Python Built-ins Functions = Python has the following '''built-in functions''' available at the global scope. <> ---- == Abs == For built-in types [[Python/Builtins#Int|int]] and [[Python/Builtins#Float|float]], `abs(x)` returns the absolute value. For the built-in type [[Python/Builtins#Complex|complex]], `abs(x)` returns the magnitude. For any other object implementing the [[Python/DunderMethod|dunder method]] `__abs__()`, that is called. ---- == AIter == ---- == All == ---- == Any == ---- == ANext == ---- == Ascii == ---- == Bin == ---- == Bool == ---- == Breakpoint == ---- == ByteArray == ---- == Bytes == ---- == Callable == ---- == Chr == ---- == ClassMethod == ---- == Compile == ---- == Complex == ---- == DelAttr == ---- == Dict == ---- == Dir == ---- == DivMod == ---- == Enumerate == ---- == Eval == ---- == Exec == ---- == Filter == --- == Float == For numeric types including `int`, `float(x)` returns `x` converted to an [[Python/Builtins#Float|float]]. `float()` also accepts the strings `"nan"` for ''not a number (NaN)'', and any of `"inf"`, `"+inf"`, and `"-inf"` for ''positive'' or ''negative infinity''. ---- == Format == ---- == FrozenSet == ---- == GetAttr == ---- == Globals == ---- == HasAttr == ---- == Hash == ---- == Help == ---- == Hex == ---- == Id == ---- == Input == ---- == Int == For numeric types including `float`, `int(x)` returns `x` converted to an [[Python/Builtins#Int|int]]. == IsInstance == ---- == IsSubclass == ---- == Iter == ---- == Len == ---- == List == ---- == Locals == ---- == Map == ---- == Max == ---- == MemoryView == ---- == Min == ---- == Next == ---- == Object == ---- == Oct == ---- == Open == ---- == Ord == ---- == Pow == ---- == Print == ---- == Property == ---- == Range == ---- == Repr == ---- == Reversed == ---- == Round == ---- == Set == ---- == SetAttr == ---- == Slice == ---- == Sorted == ---- == StaticMethod == ---- == Str == ---- == Sum == ---- == Super == ---- == Tuple == ---- == Type == ---- == Vars == ---- == Zip == ---- == __Import__ == ---- CategoryRicottone