Podman Pods

podman(1) introduces the concept of pods to address the most common needs of networking between containers.


Within a pod, containers act like they are running on the same machine. They can communicate to each other through conventional Linux networking.

$ podman run --detach --name my-nginx \
    --pod new:my-pod \
$ podman run --interactive --tty --name my-alpine \
    --pod my-pod \
# apk add curl
[ ... ]
# curl http://localhost
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
[ ... ]

Note that containers within a pod must avoid already-bound ports.

Creating Pods

As demonstrated above, it is possible to create a pod with a new container.

To only create a new pod, try:

podman pod create my-pod

To list pods, try:

podman pod ps

Destroying Pods

To destroy a pod, try:

podman pod rm my-pod

Note that destroying a pod necessarily means destroying all containers in it.

See also

Podman Networking


Podman/Pods (last edited 2023-04-06 15:24:54 by DominicRicottone)